Welcome Back!

If you have been following my blog for i while, you will know that i took a very long break from blogging.  And the reason for this??  I lost inspiration.  I lost my inspiration and passion for doing what i had been doing for the past 2 years, so i decided to come away from it, in hope that i would find that inspiration again.  And for a while i didn't, but that was okay with me, because i didn't really miss it, until about a month ago when i remembered why i started my blog. I remembered why i stuck with it for 2 years.  And that was because it was somewhere where i could be creative and expressive, and share it with whoever reads it.

So that's why I've decided to start my blog back up again.  I have taken down all my old posts so that i can start from the beginning.  I'm not going to promise a certain amount of posts a week or month, I'm not even sure what they will be about yet, so for now its just whenever i can think up an idea that I'm proud of.  I would like to start to use this little space for sharing my opinions and views on different subjects, some of the matters may be personal (and will probably just turn into a bit of a rant) and some may be topics that are already in the public (for example from the news, or from online).

I hope that you will stick with me, and help me to enjoy this again.



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